Engineers at Google, Apple, Microsoft andMozilla are partnering to create WebAssembly, a bytecode for use in the browsers of the future that promises up to 20 times faster performance.
WebAssembly is a project to create a new bytecode (a machine-readable instruction set that’s quicker for browsers to load than high-level languages) that’s more efficient for both desktop and mobile browsers to parse than the full source code of a Web page or app.
Proposed as a standard that could one day be implemented in all browsers, WebAssembly could bring app-like performance to Web content and apps.
Until WebAssembly becomes more widely available, the coalition of developers plan to bridge the gap with a JS script that will convert wasm to Mozilla’s widely supported asm.js for browsers that don’t support the new format yet.
WebAssembly is still very much in its early days: neither its specifications nor its high level design have been finalized yet. However, with major browser developers behind the project, it should see the light of day soon enough.